Warm holiday wishes from ARNM Executive Director, Joyce Kristjansson
It has been my privilege to be the ED for ARNM during 2024. You may not know that our staff team consists of 2 full time staff, and two part time. The staff work is supplemented by 11 Board members, and over 25 nurses who serve on committees. The team has accomplished a lot this year, including two large in person events, over 30 Talk Tuesday sessions, and over 20 Board and committee meetings.
We have been involved in the background work of advocacy – building relationships. This has led to 5 meetings with various Ministers and staff to discuss the health care system, poverty, Internationally Educated Nurses, and funding for nursing education. In November, several members of the Advocacy Committee met with politicians to talk about health in its broad sense. ARNM has congratulated the government, and asked questions about things we believe are missing.
ARNM is actively involved in working with other nursing organizations in Manitoba and across Canada. Many nurses have asked the difference in different types of organizations:
- The regulatory colleges act on behalf of the public to ensure safe care and public safety.
- Union(s) acts on behalf of workers primarily to secure salary, benefits and working conditions.
- The professional association, ARNM, acts on behalf of nursing to advance the profession and influence health and social policy.
ARNM is a member driven and paid for organization. We welcome opportunities to talk to nurses and answer your questions. We do not have an office, but are happy to answer calls, emails and meet with you, individually and in groups, to discuss your thoughts for the work of the association.
As this year winds up, I encourage all of us to take a few minutes to think about the good things that have happened professionally this year. Whose life have you made better by your nursing skills? Was it a student, a patient, a family member, a co worker, someone in the community? Is there a nurse who has supported you this year?
Thank you for all you do in your job and life to support each other and our profession!